Trinity Bay Disaster

            It will be seen from the list below that the public at large are making a ready and generous response to the appeal which has been made to them by the members for Trinity on behalf of the widows, orphans and others who have been bereft of their bread-winners in the wreck of the Effie M.

            Up to 12:30 this morning, eight hundred and nine dollars had been collected.  The sums subscribed as will be seen vary largely in amount, but one feature has been apparent all through, viz., that everyone who is asked is anxious to do something according to the means at his disposal.  The disaster is an exceedingly sad one in its unfortunate effects on the widows and orphans and public seem to realize that and are anxious to allocate their material distress as much as money may do.


Effie M. Disaster Subscription List.

                        Yeasterday’s Collection

Messrs. Gushue, Lloyd and Miller,

Jointly……………………………   $100.00
Harvey & Co……………………….  50.00
Bowring Bros Ltd…………………..   50.00
Job Bros. & Co…………………….   50.00
Baird, Gordon & Co……………….   50.00
Geo. Knowling…………………….    50.00
Ayre & Sons, Ltd…………………...  50.00
Hearn & Co………………………… 40.00
John Anderson……………………...  25.00
Steer Bros…………………………... 25.00
R.G. Rendell………………………..   25.00
Bishop& Monroe…………………..   25.00
Alan Goodridge & Sons…………….  25.00
A Friend…………………………….  20.00
Smith & Co, Ltd……………………   10.00
 Gear & Co………………………….  10.00
 J. D. Ryan…………………………..  10.00
P. C. O’Driscoll…………………..….  5.00
S. R. Whiteway …………………..….  5.00
Z. Cox……………………………..… 2.00
A Friend………………………….….  1.00

                        Collected This Morning

Reid-Nfld, Co………………………. 50.00
Marshall Bros……………………….  25.00
Royal Stores………………………...  25.00
W. & G. Rendell……………………  20.00
P. H. Cowan & Co…………………. 10.00
Sam Weller…………………………  10.00
Hon. Geo. Shea……………………..  10.00
James Stott………………………….  10.00
J. Norris…………………………….. 10.00
H. J. Earle……………………..……..  2.00
W. E. H………………………..…….. 0.50
G. S. H………………………..……... 2.00
K. D. S…………………………..…..  3.00
Jacob II. Chafe…………………..…..   2.00
W. II. Power……………………..…..  1.00


Total…………...........……………... $809.00

The Evening Telegram

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